Features and Profiles


How Sabeen Mahmud was named the Herald Person of the Year

By Fahad Naveed and Subuk Hasnain | January 2016

The Herald’s list of ten contenders for the Person of the Year is not made through a scientific formula. We are not holding an election or running a popularity contest. How does, then, someone make it to the list and why?


Helping the South Asian-American community find its voice

By Subuk Hasnain | March 30, 2015

Harish Ibrahim Patel’s work is devoted to raising awareness on social issues, big or small, and mobilizing people of all races and ethnicities to become more civically engaged.


Fighting domestic violence against immigrant women

By Subuk Hasnain | March 2, 2015

Now in the process of expanding, Apna Ghar was the first organization of its kind to provide shelter to survivors of domestic violence in Chicago’s underserved immigrant populations.


Perween Rahman: Architect of change

By Subuk Hasnain | Feb 13, 2017 04:53pm

The strength of "Perween Rahman: The Rebel Optimist" lies in its linear, no-frills attached narrative.


University of Chicago students cultivate next generation of philanthropists

By Subuk Hasnain | February 9, 2015

Will Fernandez, a University of Chicago student, co-founded Chicago Youth Philanthropy Group, which is teaching King College Prep students how to resolve community issues with philanthropic projects.


12 jobs you can’t get with a felony

By Subuk Hasnain | January 27, 2015

People with criminal records are advised to move on with their lives after they have been punished for breaking the law. But it’s not easy. In Illinois, more than 100 jobs are off limits to those convicted of a felony.


The political legacy of the KKK

By Subuk Hasnain | December 29, 2014

When most people think of the Ku Klux Klan, they likely picture a failed extremist group whose activities have been long buried in American history. But a recent paper in the American Sociological Review offers a different view. The study’s authors say the Klan’s influence did not end with the triumphs of the civil rights movement and has had a lasting impact on both southern and national politics.